08-15-2018, 05:07 PM
Here is some information about the (downtown) Ward 9 candidates, for those of you either living in DTK or just interested in the outcome.
Debbie Chapman
Melissa Bowman
Tia Rebecca Driver
Philip Molto and Steve Strohack have not posted any information yet.
Debbie Chapman
- PoliSci professor at WLU
- Famously lost by a single vote to Frank Etherington in 2010
- Did not run in 2014
- Former president of Cherry Park neighbourhood association
- Priorities: Responsible Development, Integrated Transportation Infrastructure, Better integration of transportation infrastructure, Meaningful Community Engagement, Affordable Housing, Environmental Sustainability, Effective Participatory Budgeting, Making Community Space, Arts and Culture Funding
Quote:I would like to see Responsible development for all proposed projects in Ward 9 and surrounding areas. By responsible, I mean that residents in established neighbourhoods must be at the table as decisions are being made, the streetscape must mirror or at least be compatible with the existing neighbourhood, and set-backs and transitions should follow strict guidelines.
Quote:Would it be unreasonable to ask that development slow down, that the finalization of the new land use planning regime be expedited - that is, be passed, approved and implemented now and not at the end of the year or some time next year, and that City Council ensure responsible development so that people don’t look back in 30 years and say “what were they thinking”? It is not about a fear of change. It’s about our collective responsibility to ensure that neighbourhoods are not negatively impacted, that concerned citizens are brought to the table with developers, planners and councillors as decisions are being made, and not just pacified through information sessions where people often feel that their comments go unnoticed, and finally that the vision of the city we have is reflected in the bylaws that we draft.
Melissa Bowman
- Current president of Victoria Park neighbourhood association
- Kitchener Community Builder award
- Would have supported sidewalk clearing study
Quote:It is exciting to see Kitchener willing to utilize innovative processes such as participatory budgeting. I believe participatory budgeting helps create the type of city I want to see, one that is inclusive, engaged, and supported. By offering a variety of ways for citizen involvement in this budget allocation process, the city hears and includes a wider variety of voices and opinions. Engaged neighbours provide input, feedback, and vote on next steps. The city supports residents by funding the new park improvements.
Quote:Urbanist Jane Jacobs stated, “The point of cities is multiplicity of choice.” An inclusive, engaged and supported city provides a variety of transportation choices. Whether you cycle, use transit, walk, or drive, good urban design must include quality options for all.
Tia Rebecca Driver
- Master of Environmental Studies student at UW
- Governor and student senator at UW
- Would have supported sidewalk clearing study
Quote:To start, the word injection overshadows all of the other benefits these sites offer or could offer. As it stands, I don’t feel there has been enough community engagement, or communication regarding the potential locations for these sites. There are still many questions regarding spin-off effects and no comprehensive answers. Nevertheless, SIS are important for our community’s health and wellbeing.
Quote:I feel that we do need to develop the core, however I have concerns with the lack of affordable housing, gentrifications and protection of historical buildings. We lost the Mayfair Hotel due to decay, and it would be a shame if we lose more of our historical core. Furthermore, design guidelines should start to promote set-backs and value sunshine. I’m afraid downtown Kitchener will end-up looking like King St. N in Waterloo, between University and Columbia. We can develop, but it must be done smartly.
Philip Molto and Steve Strohack have not posted any information yet.