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  Thread: General Arts and Culture News
Post: RE: General Arts and Culture News

dtkvictim Wrote: (10-02-2023, 05:57 PM) -- JoeKW Wrote: (10-02-2023, 03:12 PM) -- Doon village was mostly closed off to visitors: we were able to see the train and surrounding buildings and one hous...
  JoeKW Arts and Culture 534 562,770 10-02-2023, 06:07 PM
  Thread: General Arts and Culture News
Post: RE: General Arts and Culture News

I went to the Waterloo Region Museum on Huron Road this weekend and they're severely short staffed. They only seemed to have 3 employees in the whole building. The snack bar was closed and no one was...
  JoeKW Arts and Culture 534 562,770 10-02-2023, 03:12 PM
  Thread: General Politics Discussion
Post: RE: General Politics Discussion

Doesn't the strong mayor powers only help to further the goals of the province?
  JoeKW Politics 532 210,276 06-23-2023, 09:43 AM
  Thread: ION - Waterloo Region's Light Rail Transit
Post: RE: ION - Waterloo Region's Light Rail Transit

It's going to be disrupted today at 5pm: https://twitter.com/AlertsGRT/status/1628480357379997699
  JoeKW Transportation and Infrastructure 17,510 11,466,515 02-22-2023, 04:07 PM
  Thread: General Urban Kitchener Updates and Rumours
Post: RE: General Urban Kitchener Updates and Rumours

My kids love that building and comment on it every time we drive by on the 8
  JoeKW Urban Areas 5,749 4,339,755 10-24-2022, 11:58 PM
  Thread: 2022 municipal election publicity
Post: RE: 2022 municipal election publicity

KevinL Wrote: (10-23-2022, 09:40 PM) -- JoeKW Wrote: (10-23-2022, 04:18 PM) -- Anyone have a list of progressive Region of Waterloo councillor candidates? I'm having trouble filling out my 4. -- M...
  JoeKW Politics 137 23,485 10-23-2022, 10:46 PM
  Thread: 2022 municipal election publicity
Post: RE: 2022 municipal election publicity

Anyone have a list of progressive Region of Waterloo councillor candidates? I'm having trouble filling out my 4.
  JoeKW Politics 137 23,485 10-23-2022, 04:18 PM
  Thread: Restaurant casualties of COVID-19
Post: RE: Restaurant casualties of COVID-19

We loved Izna Donburi and ordered delivery a number of times through out the pandemic and each time we ordered the quality got noticeably worse. Eventually we stopped ordering; I'm sure we weren't the...
  JoeKW Food, Dining and Nightlife 145 110,408 07-30-2022, 04:58 PM
  Thread: ION - Waterloo Region's Light Rail Transit
Post: RE: ION - Waterloo Region's Light Rail Transit

I wonder how reduced service schedules factor into the PPP agreement.
  JoeKW Transportation and Infrastructure 17,510 11,466,515 07-05-2022, 09:18 PM
  Thread: Region of Waterloo International Airport - YKF
Post: RE: Region of Waterloo International Airport - YKF

ac3r Wrote: (05-28-2022, 10:05 AM) -- Flair has YKF -- Flair only has YKF because it's impossible for a small/upstart airline to survive in Canada otherwise.  The big airlines will often SWOOP in a...
  JoeKW Transportation and Infrastructure 1,407 1,203,667 05-28-2022, 10:51 AM
  Thread: Region of Waterloo International Airport - YKF
Post: RE: Region of Waterloo International Airport - YKF

On the principal that we are only interested in extinguishing nascent competition...
  JoeKW Transportation and Infrastructure 1,407 1,203,667 05-27-2022, 08:44 PM
  Thread: General Politics Discussion
Post: RE: General Politics Discussion

He may be that but he's clearly willing to go further, look at his cryptocurrency talk. Don't underestimate him.
  JoeKW Politics 532 210,276 04-06-2022, 08:09 PM
  Thread: General Politics Discussion
Post: RE: General Politics Discussion

ac3r Wrote: (04-02-2022, 09:24 AM) -- Well apart from Jason Kenney, conservatives in Canada are mostly sane people and they did have an okay albeit not perfect response to the pandemic. -- There's ...
  JoeKW Politics 532 210,276 04-06-2022, 05:57 PM
  Thread: ION - Waterloo Region's Light Rail Transit
Post: RE: ION - Waterloo Region's Light Rail Transit

That's public private partnership for you. They probably can suspend service if whether conditions aren't favourable so why would they bother making an effort to keep running.
  JoeKW Transportation and Infrastructure 17,510 11,466,515 03-23-2022, 07:27 PM
  Thread: Winter Walking and Cycling
Post: RE: Winter Walking and Cycling

I really hope they add an affordable flight to Montreal
  JoeKW Transportation and Infrastructure 1,225 557,618 02-23-2022, 03:29 PM
  Thread: The COVID-19 pandemic
Post: RE: The COVID-19 pandemic

What does that have to do with the doctors mentioned above?
  JoeKW General and Off-Topic Discussion 4,369 1,048,893 02-18-2022, 10:39 AM
  Thread: The COVID-19 pandemic
Post: RE: The COVID-19 pandemic

What announcements?
  JoeKW General and Off-Topic Discussion 4,369 1,048,893 02-17-2022, 10:24 PM
  Thread: The COVID-19 pandemic
Post: RE: The COVID-19 pandemic

I'm hoping my mother in law would be willing to take this vaccine but it's only a matter of time before some scare-mongering headline scares her away from this one too.
  JoeKW General and Off-Topic Discussion 4,369 1,048,893 02-17-2022, 08:14 PM
  Thread: Winter Walking and Cycling
Post: RE: Winter Walking and Cycling

At least half the route to my childs school is solid ice or hard packed snow. It's ridiculous. My parents have come to visit and they can't walk him to school because it's too dangerous or them.
  JoeKW Transportation and Infrastructure 1,225 557,618 02-16-2022, 10:30 AM
  Thread: The COVID-19 pandemic
Post: RE: The COVID-19 pandemic

The vaccine passport seems to have outlived its usefulness so it's probably time to put it aside. We should also probably stop requiring the vaccine for work outside of specific instances (working wi...
  JoeKW General and Off-Topic Discussion 4,369 1,048,893 02-16-2022, 12:38 AM
  Thread: Winter Walking and Cycling
Post: RE: Winter Walking and Cycling

Is there a way to submit a sidewalk complaint online? Going through this form leads to a success message but at no point does it ask for details about the complaint.
  JoeKW Transportation and Infrastructure 1,225 557,618 02-14-2022, 01:07 PM
  Thread: Road design, safety and Vision Zero
Post: RE: Road design, safety and Vision Zero

I noticed the language change as well and in discussion with my wife one possibility we identified was that sexism trumps car supremacy.
  JoeKW Transportation and Infrastructure 609 227,029 02-05-2022, 03:05 PM
  Thread: The COVID-19 pandemic
Post: RE: The COVID-19 pandemic

Could you possibly edit your post to use her actual name? It's counterproductive to the discussion. I don't like her as a politician but that seems pretty disrespectful to her as a person.
  JoeKW General and Off-Topic Discussion 4,369 1,048,893 02-02-2022, 01:34 PM
  Thread: The COVID-19 pandemic
Post: RE: The COVID-19 pandemic

I believe that is called the strawman argument... No one is arguing for covid zero.
  JoeKW General and Off-Topic Discussion 4,369 1,048,893 02-01-2022, 04:16 PM
  Thread: The COVID-19 pandemic
Post: RE: The COVID-19 pandemic

The vaccines still work very well; most vaccines do not prevent infection although we've been lead to believe that by the government and pundits. Even the polio vaccine doesn't prevent infection. A...
  JoeKW General and Off-Topic Discussion 4,369 1,048,893 02-01-2022, 02:20 PM
  Thread: What to do with a King Mattress
Post: RE: What to do with a King Mattress

An 8 year old mattress is definitely going to the landfill.
  JoeKW General and Off-Topic Discussion 17 7,933 01-25-2022, 12:59 PM

About Waterloo Region Connected

Launched in August 2014, Waterloo Region Connected is an online community that brings together all the things that make Waterloo Region great. Waterloo Region Connected provides user-driven content fueled by a lively discussion forum covering topics like urban development, transportation projects, heritage issues, businesses and other issues of interest to those in Kitchener, Waterloo, Cambridge and the four Townships - North Dumfries, Wellesley, Wilmot, and Woolwich.

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